Friday, December 1, 2017


Image result for yellow riverDid you know that the yellow river is known as the cradle of chinese civilization. Its called the yellow river because it's yellow and it's so badly polluted that 85 percent of it's not safe to drink out of. Also did you know the Last Emperor of China Puyi, became ruler when he was only 3 years old. Puyi's father carried him to the throne since he was to young and little to do it himself


  1. Wow I can't believe that a 3 year old became emperor instead of an adult. I wonder why they picked a 3 year old instead of somebody else. Why do you think that they picked a 3 year old and not an actual adult?

  2. That is so cool that he was only 3. why would they trust a 3 year old with the safety of their civilization? Thats insane! I never knew a 3 year old could run an empire.

  3. It it crazy that they would choose a young child to be emperor instead of an adult and that they would trust him to make decisions and trust him to protect the kingdom. I wonder how he got the position being three and all and how were the people who lived it the kingdom OK with a three year old ruling a kingdom.Why did they not just pick the dad.
