Monday, December 4, 2017

Indus Valley Civilization

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley Civilization because it is originated from where I’m from. This civilization was based in areas around South Asians, and it was also one of the oldest civilizations ever. I was also interested in the various technologies that they had during this time. These  included a new measurement and maths system, they were also great at building docks and metallurgy. They were also very involved in trading around this time, and did it a lot with neighboring nations/empires.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Indus Valley too and I also wrote about them in the article. That is cool that you originate from there and i did not know that it was the oldest civilization ever. I would think that other civilizations would try and go into war with them since they have basically all of the resources.
