Sunday, December 10, 2017

My Fave Civilization

My favorite civilization was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt has such a fascinating culture, it has amazing art, beautiful architecture, and their religion is extremely fascinating. I love the fact that even though the ancient Egyptians only had very basic technology they still managed to build these beautiful structures (tombs in particular) and build traps to defend them. Their art was also very amazing the fact that people back then could memorize what all of the different hieroglyphics meant and how to write them is astonishing. But my absolute favorite part of ancient Egypt is their religion. I love ancient Egyptian religion so much, my favorite Egyptian god is Anubis the fact that he watched over the dead is so cool. What's your favorite ancient Egyptian god/goddess?


  1. I really loved how detailed and amazing your blog was you added evidence from the text which was very helpful. They way you described why this is your favorite tribe really made me think about my blog and how I could compare mine with yours. Out of everything it was really good.

  2. also I really like how you talked about them being creative and making tombs.
