Tuesday, May 1, 2018

diwali is very lightful

              Diwali, the festival of lights is indeed the most awaited and the most celebrated festivals of India. People in every nook and cranny of the country welcome the festival with enthusiastic gestures. This wonderful festival is the celebration of five days. On third day of the celebratory occasion the key rituals of the Diwali festival takes place. Lighting of Diyas and candles all around the house, worshipping the Laxmi Ganesha to summon health and wealth and bursting crackers are the chief rituals of the festival.Image result for diwali
When my we go to my dad's house in India during Diwali, my dad state named Coimbatore celebrates in a unique way. On Diwali day, shops remain open till the afternoon, believing that good sales on Diwali day predict a prosperous year ahead. In the corporate sector, the process of buying and distributing Diwali gifts begins several days before the big day, and slowly picks up pace. Sweets and dry fruits are the most common gifts, as are silver coins. But gifts also range from silver dishes and other household gifts to suit-pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing article Mithran! I really enjoyed reading about your experience during Diwali. Also, I never knew that shops stay open til' the afternoon for good luck in the future, maybe we should do that! I think you should learn more about other festivals in Bangkok by reading Desten's blog. He lists many interesting festivals like the water festival and the lantern festival. Want to learn what those are about? Go ahead and read it!
