Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Awesome Animals

Awesome Animals

In  the  jungles  of  Borneo  there  is  nocturnal  primate called  a  Slow Loris.  They  are

adorable  monkeys.  They  are  close  cousins  to  bushbabies  and  lemurs. They  are

an  endangered  species. There  are  four  different  kinds  of  slow  lorises   

N.menagensis,  N. bancanus,  N. borneanus  and  N. kayan. They  all  look  a  lot  alike

but  each  is  slightly  different  but  so  slightly  that  only  now  do  they  know  they

are different.  It  has  to  tounges  and  is  venomous  so you would think its safe from

poachers  and  people like  that  right  well  your  wrong  its  huge  eyes  and  teddy

bear  face  make  it  a  great  “pet”  so  they  sell  them  illegally  on  the  streets  openly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey ashlynn great job on your post! This is a very interesting topic. Did you know that the Slow loris is one of the rarest primate. Also it is related to the African bush babies. They are also small to medium sized. I really liked you post great job!

  2. Wow. Very interesting Ashlynn. All these animals and poisonous animals live there. What does Kayan mean? It is very sad that theses animals are endangered. I hope that in the future these animals will grow in numbers. What other species are endangered there? Can you find out the species?

  3. I looked up the last animal. It is true, they sell them illegally on the streets to the local people of the region.
