Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blogging 101

Blogging 101: A Starter Course

Welcome to the Blog! We will be using this throughout the year as a class forum. A few simple rules for posting and commenting apply...such as:

  • Must have a catchy, relevant title. (This post’s title is Blogging 101)
  • Must be 75+ words in length.
  • Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
  • Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
  • Must be 50+ words in length.
  • Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
  • Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.

Two additional rules:
  • You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, feel free to comment for fun, but choose another student’s post to receive credit.
  • Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments.

THE GOLDEN BLOGGING RULE: No Negative Comments. Ever. Politely disagreeing and giving an example as to why you might disagree is certainly ok. Respond to posts the way you would want others to respond to your posts.

Ready? Blog on!

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