Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's not about beef jerky its about Turkey

I think Turkey is interesting because the total land of Turkey is slightly larger than the state of Texas. Over 80 million people live in Turkey. The highest point in Turkey is Mount Ararat it is 5137 meters high. Modern day Turkey was formed in 1923 following the fall of Ottoman Empire. The currency they use is called Turkey Lira. The ancient city of troy was located in Turkey. Would you like to live in Turkey? Turkey mountains


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that is cool too one of my step dads were deployed in Turkey, he told me it was beautiful. He said there were lots of mountains. I have heard that In Turkey they grow lots of cotton and crops. So i would live in Turkey would you? One more question do you like turkey?

  3. I like Michigan so no. I would not leave the country to live. Maybe to Canada or Sweden. But only because they don't care about things as much. Definitely no word errors I can see. Nice title as well.Would you ever live in turkey in your life think about it with the mountains would be a view though.

  4. I love your post about Turkey. It is the same country that I did and I think that you have no spelling errors that I can see. I love the structure of your paragraph and I especially love your title. It is like mine because it rhymes. Also, I would not like to live in Turkey.Not only are there 80 million people living here, but half are on the western side of Turkey. Do you know more about Turkey than me?
