Thursday, November 10, 2016

Gather your canned meat, World War III is starting

I feel like this election was a close one, no one really knew who was going to win. I'm very sad about this because it's affected many people around me. First of all, my best friend's parents decided to move to England. She had always been the one who was there when I was sad, and now what do I do? Also I saw one of my teachers that I will not name crying the day after election day. I saw one of my friends ask her if she was ok, and they had a little tiny small chat. I asked her what happened, and she said that the teacher was sad because of Trump winning. Also he makes fun of people who were born different, with physical or mental disabilities. It's also not ok to treat woman the way he does, there are many woman in the country, and in January he will be running it. Lastly, Obama said to vote for Hillary, so I'm worried that Obama's opinion didn't work out.

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