Thursday, April 30, 2015

Capsule hotels
I dont think i would like to be in a capsule, the main reason why is that when is when I sleep I need a lot of room to spread out and stretch my legs. You're basically in a tube but square. Also when I wake up I like to stand up and move around or go to the bathroom. The capsule does not  seem to have very much privacy when you rest. You're  right next to another person and with that thin of walls i don't think there soundproof. When you sleeping you can hear other people snoring or making sounds, and that would make it hard for me to sleep, But the really question is………... would sleep on a capsule hotel?   


  1. I agree with you cameron I would really not want to sleep in a capsule. The reason why is because of everything you said. I also toss and turn and want to spread out. I would be way to claustrophobic. There is another blog that is just like this. Jacob wrote about the hotels too. He said there are rooms that are stacked upon each other and you use a ladder to get up in them. Whatever the capsules do, I would not try to sleep in them.

  2. My answer to that question is no. I can not live in any small place, papa needs a bigger space to sleep I really hate sharing the bed because I want to have the whole the bed. Most people who sleep don't mind but I really do mind. Hey Cameron you should read Brandon's essay he talks about the same thing and even mentions some facts. I think that you guys can learn a lot from each other. I have one question would you like live in a cramped bed?
