Thursday, May 3, 2018

Holi Festival

       There is a certain festival that I would love to go that is held in India. Can you guess what it is? Its Holi,also known as the festival of colors. It is a spring festival that is celebrated all across India. Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival. The colors that you normally see in photos are made of herbs and and flower petals. As well as being a hindu religious festival it is also celebrated outside of this religion. A lot of Holi celebrations start the night before holi were people gather and people perform certain religious rituals and dances. In my opinion I think that Holi would be an amazing experience because I would someday love to be apart of this festival.

Image result for holi festivalImage result for holi festival

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you put lots of detail in your paragraph.
    I like how you tell what the festival is and what is about
    and also how it is celebrated. My favorite thing in your
    paragraph is the choice of your pictures. I think the
    pictures you choose shows how pretty and colorful
    they are. Someday hope you can be in the festival
    and have fun, but overall I really like your details.
