Tuesday, October 2, 2018

$50 in Phun Money!

Hola Amigos!

So this will be your first blogging assignment of the year. Without going even one step further, I’d like you to know the definition of this word, especially examples 1b and 2. Got it? Good. Now toss some of that cleverness into your writing. As explained in class, blogging is a different style of writing that would be used for an essay. Use your wit. Be a little conversational. Toss in a relevant cartoon or two like this:

Capture the attention of your readers and don’t let it go!

The topic for this writing is as discussed in class: What would you choose to do with $50?

Imagine you won $50 in the school raffle. There are no strings attached to the cash. Spend it all, save it all, or some combination of the two. Try to think this through and offer some specific examples. Like if you are going to choose to save some, is there something in particular you are hoping to buy later? And try to be very descriptive about what purchases you might make.

Blog On!

~Mr. H

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