Thursday, May 3, 2018

India es mi País (hehehhehehehehe)

The East Asia country that I chose was India because my parents are from India so it's one of my favorite countries. Some food that Indian people eat include: Biryani, butter chicken, chana masala, and more. A special celebration in India is Diwali. It is India's biggest festival.When you celebrate Diwali, you use sparklers and fire crackers because it's a festival of lights. Diwali is celebrated every year on different dates. In 2018, it's on November 7th, in 2019 it's October 27th, and in 2020 it's November 14th. Now I'll tell you what Indian kids like to do for fun. Indian children love many different things including crafts, games, and sports. A sport that is played a lot in India is cricket. And since India is a very hot country, you can do lots of outdoor activities. And I want to know, what did you find most interesting about India from reading this? Was it the food? The celebrations? The activities? I personally love all of them. :)


  1. I personally found the celebration and the activities most interesting. I enjoyed that you wrote out all of the activities that Indian children enjoy doing and also, you wrote about a lot of popular food from India. I think that you would enjoy reading "Zee fooda of India" by Desten because he also does a good job of writing about food and entertainment in South Asia. I think you did a very good job on writing about India Rhea.

    1. Thank you! I'll be sure to check out Desten's post
