Wednesday, May 2, 2018

South Asia - Nepal


Image result for Nepal flag
         Nepal is a country located in South Asia slightly larger than Arkansas. Nepal is located between China and India. Something I found very interesting is that eight out of ten of the world's largest mountains are located in Nepal, this includes Everest. An important part of history happened in Nepal nearly 2,500 years ago, this event was when Siddhartha Gautama or more well known as Buddha was born. 
         The culture in Nepal is very different than other places. Some examples of this are the food, religion, homes, etc. Most people in Nepal practice Hinduism, the other main religions are the Bhotes, the hill tribes and the Newar. In Nepal Dhindo (Picture and video on how to make it below) is a traditional food, this dish is made by boiling hot water in a pan to boil and adding flour while constantly stirring the mix. Would you feel like trying this Nepal dish if it were offered to you?

Picture of Dhindo

How to make Dhindo

1 comment:

  1. I thought your post was amazing! I didn't know you could make a food out of water, flour and only one other ingredient! Do you know what it is usually served with? I may try to make this. I did my post on Nepal too. You should check it out :) (NEPAL & ITS TREASURES). I also liked how you put the flag as the first picture, although some people my not know that it is the flag! Once again, wonderful post. I learned about a new food! Good job.
