Friday, May 4, 2018

the origins of Diwali the Hindu festival of light

           Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. It originated in India but now it is celebrated around the world. In 2010 it was inaugurated as an official yearly event at the historic Devon House residence for the first time for effort to celebrate the country's Indian heritage nationally. Also it is India's biggest holiday. Diwali or also called Deepavali started around 2,500 years ago. the holiday is 5 days long and has multiple references in religious text. many of the stories are about the triumph of good over evil. This is the origin of diwali the festival of light.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. One thing that I liked about this post is that there is some interesting language like Inaugurated. I also did not know that this was a huge holiday. I thought that it was just one that they celebrate like presidents day. I also did not know that it started 2,500 years ago. That is definitely really old. I also think that it is interesting that it is 5 days long. I wonder what that would be like. Also I think that you should also read aksatra's article. Why i think that is because that it to was about the holiday, Diwali. Good Job!
