Thursday, May 3, 2018



            I choose India because I thought that because it is such a big place there could be a lot of it to write about. some of India's food includes: Biryani, Panipuri, Kadhi those are some of the foods.
India has many festivals such as Holi, Republic Day, Maha Shivaratri. One of their biggest festivals is called Diwali. Diwali is a festival celebrated about the light, they use firecrackers and
other things to represent light.Things that children do for fun in India are sports, arts and
crafts and other things. One of their biggest game played in India is called cricket.
Cricket is a game with two teams of eleven players each. The Bat called a wicket and three wooden stumps witch two balls sit on. My favorite is the festival called Diwali whats your favorite thing?

Image result for festival of diwali


  1. Your blog looks pretty short and you have a lot of spelling errors in this paragraph. I wish you could add more pictures of the foods like for example, you could've added a picture for the food baryani, or add a picture for India and their festivals. I wish you added more information about the foods or what they are made of.

    1. ok thank you, I will improve on that
