Thursday, October 6, 2016

Teenager Finds a Niche in Man-Scented Candles

                                                       By: Ruben Gonzalez
Hart Main the fourteen year old invents new man  scented candles that smell like bacon, fresh cut grass and even leather. The young teenage mind who invented the man scented candles lived in Maryville Ohio, He got this idea of how his older sister was making girl scented candles and teased her and told her to make man scented candles then hart said he was going to make man scented candles. After he made the candles he went walking around town looking for stores tat would say he could sell his product in the store and that is how his business started. Think how you can make something new and interesting ?

Image result for mansented candles


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked what you wrote. But have some questions about did he make any other scented candles? And in which shop does he sell his candles and how much do they cost? And the last question is that what did he use to make his candles smell like a man.

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