Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hart Main Entrepreneur

It started out with his sister making candles for a project in school the candle were girl scented.He said why can't their be man scented candles.It was considered a joke at first,but it turned into something amazing.

Being determined he set out to make them,He put down 100$ of his money on ingredients and other stuff to make it.His parents put down 200$ on the candles,but if he wasn't able to pay his parents back he would have to reimburse on his paper route.

He had finalized the name and the smells the name was ManCans,the smells were  Sawdust, Coffee, Fresh Cut Grass, Campfire, Bacon, Grandpa's Pipe, New Mitt, New York Style Pizza and Dirt.He had impressed his parents and became an entrepreneur.

 Cost: $9.50 per ManCan; wholesale orders of 20 or more get a discount.
Customers: Typically adults, and split pretty evenly between men and women.

Most wholesale orders come from mom-and-pop stores. "All different kinds," Main says. "One's a shoe store, one's an auto garage.

The question is,Can you make money off of anything?,Or everything?


  1. Cool story, it just goes to show you how you can make money off anything. A thought it was relay cool when you gave the back story to how it came to be and also the numbers of how much money he paid and stuff. How did you come to find this person hes just so cool?! Anyway do you think you could do anything like this or no?

  2. It is very interesting how he started his business off of a joke. I like how mentioned the types of smells. I also like how you stated the prices, customers, and selling places of the ManCans. It is creative that Hart Main made products that appeal to both boys and girls. If he can make money by creating household items, then why can’t you.
