Thursday, October 6, 2016

Seiji Collection: A 13 Year Old's Makeup Dream

Seiji Yamaguchi created Seiji, a makeup line all her own. She picked out the colors, packaging, etcetera, and even put in her own hard-earned money for all costs. She had almost no help, only oral guidance from her parents (who were well known in the beauty industry themselves and owned multiple salons and their own haircare line) and a pretty good idea of the makeup industry going in. 

She herself at that point wore only lip gloss and mascara (and even that was a rarity) so it was a risk to make her own decisions, especially because the makeup trends are always changing, so it was hard to keep up. But, to everyone, including her own's surprise, the makeup was a hit! 

She created her own website, and continued to sell Seiji to more and more stores. It just kept growing. Now, her makeup is being used for several major television shows, commercial shoots, and even photo shoots for magazines. Her makeup dream was finally a reality. Have you ever wanted to make your dream a reality? Well, she did. Why not you?
Image result for seiji makeup


  1. Wow! That is so cool. I can't believe someone that young could have their own beauty line. It is so cool that her makeup line is used for photo shoots, tv shows and other stuff like that. Do you think you could do that, Beth? What makeup would you sell? Do you think it would be that big.

  2. Wow! That is so cool. I can't believe someone that young could have their own beauty line. It is so cool that her makeup line is used for photo shoots, tv shows and other stuff like that. Do you think you could do that, Beth? What makeup would you sell? Do you think it would be that big.

  3. WOW!!!!!!!! that is insane to think that someone that is 13 can stay in the makeup trend and still have time to go to school!

  4. That's really cool!I also think that it was cool that she used her own money ,and got it started on her own ,unlike some people who start with a small loan of a million dollars ;). I really like how she chose a simple name for the brand.I do have some question like how much is it? Is it animal testing free? I think that Seiji is really cool.
