Thursday, October 6, 2016

WHO LOVES DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!

What if I tell that if you go to any vacation that you can't bring your dog with you but you could do the same things that you usually do when you are with your dog. Than read more of my blog and there will be a solution for that problem. this girl named Brooke Martin who at the age of 14 years old made this device that is called iCPooch. It's a device that you can video chat with your dog from miles and give him treats. Now you might be saying Ismael no way how can you give them treats while you so far away. Here I'm going to give you a challenge I dare you to go and look up how is this made to give them treats and then commit the answer.


  1. i think that it would be a good fun thing to video chat with your dog and get to re lax on your vacations it makes me feel like playing with a dog right now

  2. What kinds of treats can Brooke give her dog?

    1. I believe it is the one that comes with the machine

  3. wow! I can't believe she invented that. This is so cool. i never would have thought of something like this. The fact that she made it able to give the dog a treat amazes me.

  4. i like dog's and i think that is cool that you can see them when they are at home and you are out. 😊

  5. this is a cool experiment i would pay 20 dollars for this machine
