Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hart Main thinks outside the box

Hart Main was just and ordinary  14 year old boy who had a good idea and started a great business off of it. When Harts younger sister was selling candles for her school fundraiser ,he teased her for only making girly scents ,and said it would be cool to make men-scented candles. He got on with the business ,and started working really hard with these candles. He decided to package them differently too , he puts them in a soup can. If you buy a Man-Can you donate one meal. Overall they have donated 300,000 meals. Hart is an inspiring entrepreneur because all it took was having a good idea ,working hard ,and helping others along the way to. And the cool thing is you can do that too!
Image result for ManCans

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is awesome! I wish I could make my brain work that hard to think of that kind of stuff.
