Thursday, October 6, 2016

oculus rift

Palmer Luckey is a guy who made the oculus rift is where are put or you don’t have to put and there is some where  you can have your phone in it. Palmer Luckey is 24 years old and he made the Oculus rift  that you can see different things and if feels like you are in it to. The oculus rift is like a go pro and you are see it and you feel when are in it to again. The oculus rift cost $599 to buy one.
Image result for where can you buy oculus rift


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  5. yay oculus rift yay

  6. wow at age 24 somebody made this that you can basically go into your phone and virtual reality thats realy cool but couldnt you play games on it to and wow that much money for it plus doesn't come with a cord that you can plug into your tv and other people can see what you doing also is charging or batteries.

  7. There has been something like Oculus rift called noselis rift

  8. the oculus rift is one of my favorite devices but the fact that you can put your phone in it! thats amazing. just so you know you do have a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes but other than that well done
