Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Inspiring Teen Fashion Designer

when you were young did you ever dream about having your own jewelry business, so did Bella Weems but instead of dreaming about it she actually did it. Bella always loved making jewelry she especially liked making lockets she says "It's not about the jewelry" "It's about the meaning behind it"
I know i could only imagine about owning a multi-million fashion line. Bella is planning to show off her new fashion line in Norstrom one of her favorite pieces is a dress printed with one of her paintings, not only is Bella a fashion designer but shes also an artist. Can you see yourself doing what Bella Weems is doing at 13 i sure cant but i challenge you to follow you dreams like she did.

Image result for bella weems locketThis is just 2 of some of the beautiful jewelry she makes.


  1. Kailee, I love this blog! And she's only 13 and making such beautiful jewelry? Wow, that's pretty amazing. I also really like how you set a challenge for the readers. It's so cool how she personalizes the jewelry. You picked a really cool teen entrepreneur to make a blog about! :)

    1. Thank you Idara I worked really hard on this that means a lot to me and I could say the same about your post it was really interesting and inspiring :)

  2. I actually have one of these! They are amazing quality because I've had mine for years and it hasn't broken yet. I wear it all the time. Nice choice on the writing! I love the ending. The challenge was great!

    1. Thank you a lot Beth, and that's awesome that you own a necklace by Bella. I will actually consider getting one myself. :)

  3. Kailee,you did so good post you I just learned something from this blog and I though of something i could do as an out of school project so thanks a lot for blogging this!!

  4. Kailee,you did so good post you I just learned something from this blog and I though of something i could do as an out of school project so thanks a lot for blogging this!!
