Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Teen Entrepreneur

One day I was looking for an article and cam across one about Zollipops. A little girl named Alina Morse wanted to make a sucker that would be healthy for your teeth. It all started when she went to the bank one day with her dad. The bank lady ask her if she wanted a sucker but her dad always told her that suckers had a lot of sugar in them and sugar was not good for you body our your teeth.When they left the bank she started to think and then she thought of a plan to make make suckers that were healthy but very good.Then that when she thought of zollipops. She kept asking her dad and then one day he said yes so they started to research ingredients that were healthy and good. They started to go around to doctor s and dentist offices. Then after many trials they finally got it.   Do you think these zollipops would actually taste good?

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