Monday, November 20, 2017

Back to the future

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Egyptian reason that I liked learning about The Egyptians was because they were able to survive even thought they were flooded for about six months a year and still had enough food for not everyone to have to farm.I think that if I lived in an ancient world then I would have done fine.If I could send back one tool I would send a solar powered ceramic and wood saw.they would be able to cut things so much faster and been able to build things a lot faster.


  1. I think that the Egyptian civilization was a cool civilization because they had the most technology available to make the tasks they do easier like cutting trees and building pyramids. They could use the water for irrigation to grow their crops and they could have a surplus of food and surplus of water.

  2. the Egyptians were cool because the had a lot of stuff like a surplus of supplies, created stuff like the calendar

  3. I like your idea of bringing a solar power saw to the Egyptians. I think they would learn about how to capture the power of the sun and do even more than building, maybe even solar power lighting and more. I am interested in how the Egyptians survived flooding during so much of their year. Do you know how they handled all the flood water?
