Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Best Civilization Babylonia

For the ancient world playlist my favorite civilization that I liked to learn about was the Babylonians. I liked learning about Babylonians because they created 12 lunar months, the 60 minute hour, and advanced multiplication tables. I found that very interesting because I like learning about numbers and facts.
If I lived in the time of Babylonia I would be a farmer because farmers would make a lot of money back then because they had more tools for farming then hunting and hunting was harder to catch and the prices would cost more than farmers food because farmers would have more food. I would probably experience more illness and sickness because they didn’t have antibiotics and also more people were in need for food than now. I would also experience different homes/houses that I would live in if I could. If I had a way to transport something back to the time of the Babylonians II would transport. Back then they had good soils to farm on and it and if Babylonians knew how to build and use tractors it would change the amount and time it takes to farm.

1 comment:

  1. What if you weren't a farmer? What if you were homeless and couldn't make enough money?
