Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blog Episode II: The Ancient World Ain't So Ancient

Greetings and welcome back to our blog!
For the past three weeks, you have learned about early civilizations in China, Egypt/North Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan/India. You learned why all of them started in river valleys, that some were peaceful and some experienced the constant threat of overthrow, and that each contributed something to the pool in which we all swim.

Now is your chance to do a little knowledge dump. Which civilization was your favorite to learn about? What were some of the aspects of those people that made them more interesting than the others? How do you think you would have done if you had lived with them and had to experience what they experienced? And for a stretch, what single tool from the modern world would you think might have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most if you could somehow magically transport it to them over time and space? Think about the struggles that they overcame and how they might have advanced themselves even further with the benefit of this one new tool. Follow the rules for Posts and Comments below. Your assignment is to do one Post and one Comment.

Blog on!

  • Must have a catchy, relevant title.
  • Must be 75+ words in length.
  • Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
  • Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
  • Must be 50+ words in length.
  • Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
  • Must address something specific the writer has said and *must add something new to the post (see below)
  • Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.

Two additional rules:
  • You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, choose another student’s post.
  • Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments.

THE GOLDEN BLOGGING RULE: No Negative Comments. Ever. Politely disagreeing and giving an example of why you might disagree is certainly ok. Respond to posts the way you would want others to respond to your posts.

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