Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fave to learn about!!!

My favorite ancient civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley civilization. I think the Indus Valley civilization is more interesting to learn about than the other civilizations back then because they had well-built cities for their days and I liked their way of living. If I had to live with them and had to experience what they went through I don't think I would have liked it. They didn't have many things that we do now like technology and a lot of things we like hadn't been invented yet. I think the lightbulb would have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most. People would usually just go to bed because they couldn't do much after dark. If they lightbulbs I think they would stay up later and be able to spend more time doing things. Would you like to have lived in the Indus Valley civilization back then?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you sara. The only thing I don't agree about was they had games that they played. I also don't agree with the tool they would use a light because they don't have electrical wires and so the light would be useless unless it was a solar power light then it can charge during the day and light up when it is dark. This is what I think but why do you think they dont have things to do?
