Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thomas the choo choo train in Japan

Have you ever taken a train in Michigan?  When you're on it you are probably thinking it’s crowded. That is not nearly as crowded as if you were going on a train in Japan. You would hate it so much. Imagine if you had to get pushed onto a train. Imagine how much that would hurt. Just to put this into consideration you can’t move. So if someone was touching you and you didn't like it you couldn't do anything about it. If someone had just smoked or farted you wouldn't be able to move so you would just be standing their smelling it for the whole ride. So now that I have just told you all of this tell me would you actually go on a train or just walk?

1 comment:

  1. Dude...what did you eat yesterday, rotten cheese? I can taste it.
