Thursday, April 30, 2015

Need Space??

Have you ever been to cities like Shanghai, Seoul, or Beijing? Well if you have, then you know what it is like to be crowded. In the Capsule Hotel in Japan, you are in capsules next to random people. What I find truly amazing is the traffic jams in Beijing. You can get stuck in there for weeks! In major cities like this, it is hard to just get a space all to yourself. In the capsule hotel, knowing that someone is lying a few feet away from you is very uncomfortable. How would you get some space in cities like this?


  1. Hey Anirudh, I really really liked your post. I love that you chose to write about the capsule hotels. They are great aren’t they?! It’s funny because I chose to write about the absolute same exact thing as you did. They are very very crowded like you said. I really like that you said that people are literally three feet away from you sleeping on the same exact uncomfortable bed. This is kinda weird but I recommend that you check out my blog.

  2. Hey Anirudh, Cameron talks more about the capsule hotels. How you might hear snoring that would be annoying. But Grant talked about how you were stuck in traffic and you couldn't get anywhere. Did you know that the worlds biggest palace is in Beijing. That would be so cool if you could see it from where you were you were trapped. I also think that those stands by the road where theres traffic are really interesting.
