Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No space

The train stations in southeast asia are so packed that there are people who are paid to push people into the train. Imagine how bad that would be, well theres worse. In southeast asia there are pools that have so many people in them that you can barely move and thats not the end of it. There are hotel rooms half the size of a table! Would you still go on a train that has barely any space? How about a swimming pool that you can’t swim in? Or even a hotel room the size of your dog’s dog house?


  1. If I was going to a hotel it would have to be very big and very fancy. I have only been on a train once and it was a long time ago but I remember that it was not crowded. I recommend CHINA TRAINS. It is about how there is a very small amount of space on trains. I would never get in a pool where I can't swim. I would just get out and go home. That is very sad, they need to depopulate some of their people. Or just expand their country.

    1. Hey Zaggam i agree ,being crammed so tight into a train against complete strangers would be gross , imagine that you could feel their breath against your neck . they see 900,000 people in the morning coming on to the train . if you have not already read Grant Holiszers , I suggest that you stop what you're doing and go read his cause you guys both talked about how the train is very packed , so packed that people get paid to legit cram people in the train.
