Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Travels

My Travels
I have been very lucky to be able to travel a lot.  I have been to New York City (one of my favorite trips) and Chicago.  I thought both of those were crowded, with New York City having 26,403 people per mile, and Chicago having 12,750.3 people per mile.   I was shocked when I found out that Manila in the Philippines has 15,400 people per mile, and it has less land area than both of these places at 550 square miles.  I had trouble walking around in New York City, so it must be almost impossible to move around Manila (you would ether smash into someone, or you get bumped yourself).  With all the crowds there, you must not be able to see any of the beautiful buildings or the smells of the food.  Even though I have traveled a lot I have not seen it all. So i end with this, what populated density cites would you like to visit?

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