Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Imagine being in a room that is about two meters long and very short in length. Oh, and by the way, there are other people there, to. A lot of people. That's what it's like being on a train in China. With big, sweaty people all around you. And you can hear the breathing in and out, and feel them breathing on your neck at the same time. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I would feel like an ant inside of a small ant hole while the other ants' relatives are over visiting from Georgia or something. It's even so cramped that there are people that push you inside of the train. If you click on the link you can see people being pushed in. And if you look closely, you can see people mushed up against the window. Explain to me what you would feel like.


  1. Hi Eli, great post. to start off I would feel like a box of jammed crayons or a couch cushion being sat on. Did you that those guys that push actually get paid for doing that. Best job ever i would love to do that. I would hate to be a person that got smashed on the window. You should read Kaden Bartlett’s blog(that’s me). How would you feel if you had someone touching you in a not so good place.

  2. Eli I really liked your post. I have been in a crowded subway in new york before, but nothing like this. You should go read Kaden’s post “Thomas the choo choo train in Japan” he talks about the trains rides to. I would feel like in that train situation crammed up against the glass doors, I would be creeped out about the people near me. You also have to think about the people who do this everyday and don't worry about it. Know my question for you is could you do this everyday or would you just walk?
