Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cram Into That Train

You hear an annoying beep beep your look at your alarm and oh no your slept in. Fear rushes through your body. You get up rush to get ready and get out the door. You rush to the train station your are out of breath panting but you made it. When to you get to your train your are one of the last people your try and push push push your legs are aching from trying to shove in the train then your feel 2 people push your arm to get the train packed. Finely you're in but then your nose starts to sting from a horrid smell as the person next to you farts. This is how packed the trains can be during rush hour. The high populations make for a different life style so driving a car can be harder than riding the train. So would your live like this or stay more towards dealing with a long car ride.

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