Thursday, April 30, 2015

two trains haha

I moved to tokyo a few month ago and it's really hard to do anything. Just getting on the train is extremely hard. Once I was right next to the door and they pushed me on the train exorbitantly hard, I felt pain in my back for days! It was the worst when the doors closed then we were smooshed against each other like in a can of sardines. In fact I would rather be in a can of sardines, it would probably smell better! It smelt like sweat and as a matter of fact fishy. I get why they need to put people on the trains but why not add another car on?

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree because the trains are two small and it is just a piece everyone can't fit on. But if the people who make the trains, they should make it longer. I have a connection, just like in India theirs a big population and almost a lot of people use the trains. When I went in a train it almost like going on a train in Japan,but theirs at least some personal space. Also the trains is fast in Japan, so you don't have to be squished in there for an hour. It all depends how fast the train goes, where you're going and if you are comfortable.You should also read my post because its almost the same, but I did write about the trains in Japan how they are bad.
