Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Imagine you got off to a late start going to school. The traffic is nuts. You smell the gasoline and the pollution from the other cars. You hear the horns of the cars beeping. You see the hundreds of cars in front of you. You know that it could take, hours, days, weeks. It’s too late to go to school now. You are trapped in the traffic with no food, water, or showers. You are forced to leave your car. This has become normal for you. Imagine living this life every day. Smelling the sewer Water on the streets. Would you want to live this life?


  1. "Hey Grant i really liked reading your post because of how you described the traffic in China. It made me feel like I was really there. I would hate to be caught in traffic like that, but it's better than traveling by a train. Did you read about what the train ride is like? I would want to be able to walk to school before the train, even if it is smelly outside. Better yet, maybe I'll have rich parents that can hire a tutor and they can come to me instead.

  2. Hey Grant, I enjoyed your post because I felt like I was in the car and I could imagine myself being very frustrated. I can't imagine living in a country like this and having to go through this everyday. You should check out Eli's post if you think being in rush hour is frustrating, try getting on a train during rush hour in China where the train is so packed that you can feel the people breathing on your neck. At least if you're in a car during rush hour you'll have your own space and hopefully an air conditioner in your car.
