Thursday, April 30, 2015

Life In Seoul

           I wake up 6:00 and open the door in my apartment. I went the train station and put my money in the machine to go to the train. I went inside the train and got crush by the people. I got out and walking out of the station. I can hear the car engine loud and see gum on the floor. I walk to my school and after the school ended I walk to the train station. I got out and went to my apartment to the elevator there were to many people inside and there were a line form. I waited 15 min and I reach to my door and got home.  


  1. Wow William. Life in Seoul must be a little tough. Cramming into trains and being in large crowds must be very annoying. I can’t believe that one apartment can be very crowded in order for you to take 15 minutes just to get into an apartment. William, my suggestion is to read Zaggams post because he gives a little more detail about cramped space in large areas.I hope you can have more space soon.

  2. Wouldn't that stink to do that every day. Did you know that there are 9.82 million people who live in Seoul. That means almost all of them go to work, or go to school every day and probably take the train. I think were the students stay are pretty cool, but would you want to get pushed into a train every day? I think you should read brandon’s post because he talks about how crowded Tokyo is and Seoul ir pretty big too.
