Thursday, April 30, 2015

to close

           Imagine waking up in the morning with your mom,dad,brothers,sisters,and grandparents in a tiny one bedroom apartment. Well That is just something people in Japan have to do. There are so many people that live in japan its crazy. The population is 128 million people. I could not imagine sharing a little room with  my whole family. It would be so cramped. Your family would Probably have to take turns using the bathroom and when you sleep you would be tightly packed in. You would have a lot of family time. My question is would you like to be in a tiny room with your whole family for your child hood.


  1. I wouldn't because it would really suck and you would never have any privacy

  2. If I lived in a one bedroom apartment, it would be difficult for me to live. There would be too many people in the bed. I would feel crowded. I was in Japan two years ago and I saw people bumping into each other in town. There was no space for them to move to another place. I think you should read Catherine Grundemann's post "Tokyo, Japan" because she has the same idea that Japan is crowded.

  3. Brandon, I really liked reading your post because I could visualize being so cramped. I couldn’t put up with taking turns to go to the bathroom. I already think my house is crowded but that would be ten times worse. My parents do not like cramped either, so they would hate that. So would the rest of my family. But if you want to read more about being cramped in Tokyo, I suggest you read Mireya's post. She has an interesting post about crowded pools here. That would be a nightmare. Have you ever been to Tokyo?
