Thursday, December 4, 2014

Africa Animals

When I think of Africa I think of the vast space of yellowish grass and many animals in the background. I think of the sky being blue above the grass and across the grass are a couple small trees. People think of animals in Africa are only elephants, lions, and giraffes, but there are a lot more. Did you know that Africa has warthogs, wildebeests, African leopards, and African buffalos. A lot of these animals are being hunted and people have taken their animal skin. I disagree with the killing of innocent animals. What do you think of when you hear Africa.


  1. When I think of Africa I think of a blue sky with hardly any clouds and yellowish/greenish grass with a pride of lions in the back round also a few trees. Would you want to go to Africa?

  2. When I think of Africa I would think it would be very sunny and hot. I also would think of a lot of animals because to me that’s what Africa seems like. I did not know that they had those kind of animals there because I never really thought about it. Does Arica sound like a nice place for you?
