Thursday, December 4, 2014

The smart kid who saved his cattle

        The smart kid who saved his cattle 

In Kenya a thirteen year old kid saves his cattle. The boy name was Richard Turere.  One day when he checked his cattle at night  he saw a lion and tried to scare the lion away.The next day he made a scarecrow and thought they would be scared of it. Then he checked again at night and saw the lions are not scared of the scarecrows. The next night he went around his yard with his flashlight to check if they are lions.When he points the flashlights at the lion,the lion was scared. The next day he had an idea.His idea was to put up lights in the dark so lions won’t come to his backyard.Then he told everyone and shared it with the whole world.He also got a scholarship for his idea. What thing have you learned about Africa?


  1. Wow! That was so awesome. I can’t believe that at that young of age he has done something so incredible. He did not only save his family’s livestock, but he also saved an animal that a lot of his people hated, the lions. I don’t think that I could look after my fathers cows at age six or nine. That is of course, If I was in his place. I liked your choice of doing that blog. I thought It was so cool. I wonder what he truly will do next?

  2. That kid was so cool. I wouldn't be able to come up with that idea. In fact I wouldn't go outside with lions outside. he is going to grow up to be a good mechanic. That is so cool that he got a scholarship. I wish I could be just like him.
