Thursday, December 4, 2014


Well I was looking about African news and African giraffes might go extinct. Nooooooooooooooooo, this sad there was 140,000 now their is less than 80,00000. They are killing these animals for meat personally I think they're doing this for money. Think about it why are there so many giraffes but now there's barely any like they're probably going to be two then they're going to ban hunting giraffes. So what do you think should we continue or shall we finish this hunt, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think people should stop hunting these animals and let the number of them grow. The average giraffe is about 15 or 16 feet tall and their average weight are 1600 kg. I think the coolest thing about them is that they have a purple tongue. I don’t understand why people want to kill these innocent tall creatures. Would you want to go to Africa and see these animals.
