Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tippi Degré

Tippi Degré is a women that for most of her childhood grew up in Africa making friends with animals of all kinds. She is of french heritage. Tippi says “I don't have any friends here. Because I never see any children. So the animals are my friends.” Tippi has become very famous.Tippi has always been friend to the animals of africa mean or nice it doesn't matter to her. Tippi knows her family is french but she is african wich would you say.  

1 comment:

  1. Anthony, this is a very interesting post. You have good sentence structure and good word choice. You also have no mistakes that I can see. Did you know that she was the daughter of famous photographers? I did my research about her and she is an extremely interesting person. I wish to meet her some day. Do you?
