Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Lion King

People in Kenya may not have a lot of money but they are still very smart. For example, there is a thirteen-year-old boy from Kenya who invented something that would keep peace between lions and humans.This boy's name is Richard Turere and he lives in the Maasai community. His father owns cattle and Richard helps with them. One day he got out of bed and went to go check on the cattle. When he got there he saw that their only bull had been ripped to shreds. He tried to prevent this from happening again by first using fire but that didn't help. Then he tried to use a scarecrow which kept the lions away for one night but the next night they found out it wasn't real. The next night he was walking around with a torch to check on the cattle and that night the lions stayed away. Richard found out that lions are afraid of moving light. He invented a machine that would flash lights around that would make it look like Richard was walking around when he was really just in his bed. Due to his brilliant invention, he got himself a scholarship to one of the best schools in Kenya. So what cool things have you learned about that are in Africa?

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