Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Observing the Mountain Gorilla


Gather gather let me tell you what I think about the short story, The Mountain Gorilla. In my opinion, the short story is very fascinating and funny at times. The story is about Mountain Gorillas that appear to be very territorial over their land, while also being protective of their families.The Mountain Gorillas are willing to lose their lives to protect their young and their behavior is human like. They shows signs of competing with each other like teenage boys which is funny, while the mother Gorillas display love towards their babies, which is fascinating. The video that you will be viewing is about how scientist are able to observe and record the Mountain Gorillas interaction with each other. This information is being gathered by the scientist because there are only 350 Mountain Gorillas left in the world and unless humans intervene they will continue to be killed and someday become extinct. 
My question to you is, why do you think the Mountain Gorilla is worth saving?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah we should because if they're almost extinct then we should keep them for as long as we can so we can continue to admire them.
