Thursday, December 4, 2014

african hippos

The biggest animal threat in Africa is probably the hippo . First of all those big teeth. They are huge. I bet those teeth would chomp right through a person. I do know that is a bad thing to say but click on the link and you will know what i mean. Also i think hippos are fast. I mean it doesn't look like it because there big and fat. lastly is would you like to live in Africa?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would like to live in Africa and i don't want to because there are many animals that can hurt you. Such as the hippo, lion, cheetah, crocodiles etc. But i want to live there too, The sights are amazing and the animals. So if you dont want to live in Africa why don't you?

  3. ebola and the snakes are scary
