Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lion Boy

People in Kenya aren't the richest but they are pretty smart. For example, this 13 year old boy who started herding cattle when he was just nine drove away lions from his family's cattle! He first tried to scare them with fire then a scarecrow and that only worked for one night. Then when he was walking home he discovered that lions are scared of light. So he made an invention where he would set up lights on his fence the lights would blink off and on and the lions would think that he was there and would not kill the cattle and run away. He set this up for other people in his village and everyone's cattle were safe and sound. He won a scholarship for this awesome invention and I think its really smart and cool. What would you do if lion were eating your cattle?


  1. Zaggam, If there were lions eating my cattle I would try to scare them off or set some traps around my fence. I also agree with you on Kenyans are smart. I would have never know that lions were afraid of light. how did he discover that lions were afraid of light? If you know.

    Your friend,
    Cameron Biddle

    1. He discovered that that they were scared off light with his little flashlight.

  2. Hi Zaggam,If a lion at my cattle I would take my gun and shoot at them. I would also try to put traps like a ditch or hide my cattle somewhere safe. How did the boy know that the lions were scared of light. Also what was the scholarship and where was the place that he got the scholarship. I agree with your post

    Your Friend,

    1. He had no gun and he discovered that they were scared of light because they would run away when he would flash his light at them. He got accepted into one of the best schools in Kenya for his invention.
