Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Zebras Stripes

Their is a very interesting fable from Africa called How the Zebra got his stripes. When challenged the zebra, the zebra stood up for what is right. The story is quite interesting, when the zebra gets his stripes. Basically the moral is that you should always share. Wait, there is another moral: Stand up to what you think is right. One question. How will you follow these morals? Tell me in your comment

1 comment:

  1. I was watching a movie about this called Khumba last year! It was a good movie and you should check it out its about a zebra with no stripes and his mom said before she died that its good to be different even if you get neglected and she told him about this water hole that the first zebra swam in and he came out with stripes. The first zebra with stripes went home and everyone was amazed so he lead them to the water hole and they all had stripes after they swam in the water.So now the first zebra wasn't different anymore right? He mislead the moral of the story and was more focused on the water hole. So he sets of for a adventure to seek the water hole with some friends. But there's one problem and that's the Jaguar... I liked the moral of the story/movie! How i would follow these morals is that first I would share with someone who needs something that they don't have. I would stand up to what i believe and what is right for me and not over think it and try changing it for others. What do you think of Africa?
