Friday, December 5, 2014

The few, The proud, The Black Rinio

I just can't believe that they would do that to an endangered species. What would make them think that, is OK? They are so few just 5,000 left in the world. We need to work on saving rather than killing them off. I think that that is sick. Why would the FBI be helping them in killing off the last few black buffalo. This people should be put in jail rather than getting 350,000 dollars.


  1. Hi Gage i don't know a lot about the black Rhino,or about the black Buffalo. And i'm not saying this is still right but maybe they are doing it for a reason. Maybe the black Rhino is a animal that kills humans. But I agree they should not be killing animals no matter what they do unless they are hunters looking to feed their families. My Question is are you talking about the rhino or the buffalo?

  2. Hello Gage . Nice blog you have there . I saw a rhino in your picture and you say about the buffalo. I learn that there were 5,000 left of them wow and they should go to the jail for 10 years. Question how many did they kill the animal to get $350,000 money. Do today really kill the buffalo and rhino. That all and you were really good at your blog.
