Sunday, December 7, 2014


In the rhino hunting story it talks about a rhino that people are trying to protect and there is a person that pays $350,000 to hunt rhinos still. I think rhinos are cool creatures and should not be hunted. I saw a video of a guy shooting a Rhino with a bow. That would hurt a lot because the rhinos skin is so tough that the arrow barely went into its neck. That must have hurt! I think rhino hunting should be completely banned do you?  


  1. I agree with you Kaden because if people were to stop hunting rhino`s then we would`t have to worry about them getting extinct.I mean what do people do with them once they die i get that they need them for food but what do they do with the bone or the skin. Well at least that is what I think about this whole thing but other people might have a different prospective.

  2. I also agree with you Kaden and I also agree with Joey about not having to worry about them getting extinct, I don't think people should pay other people to hunt rhinos for them I honestly think that's totally wrong for people to do that but others might not that's just my opinion.
