Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Krispy.Keith : donbald trump
From my perspective Donald trump is a racist pervert and he is not a good president he should have not won Hillary Clinton should won. It is scary that he won. I like Hillary because she seems like she has experience.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
America Waxing or Waning?
On November 8, 2016 Republican Donald J. Trump had become president elect. Donald Trump had lost the popular vote but had won the electoral votes by a big margin. In a stunning upset, he rode a to victory as voters elected him the 45th President of the United States. Americans had to wait until the early hours of November 9 to find out the results. But by 2 a.m., it was clear that Trump had defeated the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Democratic Hillary Clinton was very disappointed. Hillary was the secretary of state, and the first lady giving her a lot of political influence. Republican Donald Trump did not have any political or military experience instead he has had, a long career as a real-estate developer. He built skyscrapers, casinos, resorts, and golf courses. He also ventured into other businesses, introducing Trump Steaks, Trump Natural Spring Water, and an airline called Trump Shuttle. Now we don't know what Donald trump is going to do to America, with no political or military experience.

Friday, November 18, 2016
My thoughts on the election
I really didn't want Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I prefer Hillary Clinton. I think not a lot will really change. I think america made a horrible choice when it came to choose. Donald trump is rude and has no experience in government. Hillary made better decisions than trump made. Hillary is democratic and I prefer democratic.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
I don't really know
At the moment I don't really know because my parents aren't exactly fond of (Donald Trump). They were really rooting for Hillary Clinton. They were listening to what she was saying and they were convinced that she was going to be president. I really just don't care because Hillary and Donald are both bad people. Hillary Clinton gave top secret information and Donald Trump insulted as women and everybody different than him. Other than that I don't really know he might be a good president. I tried to get my parents to acknowledge that but they are built on old things.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Donald Or Hillary?
I personally do not like politics and I am not interested in them either. I understand that a lot of people are not too happy about the election and the new president, but I think and believe that we should give him a chance to see what his plans are for the United states. Although I do not like either candidate I would have much rather preferred Hillary than Trump. Trump... as far as the elections went and the internet says, Donald Trump is a very racist, rude, and disrespectful person one in general and two especially for president. If you were able to vote either Trump or Clinton... who would you pick?
i cant believe he done this
i can not believe that he won here comes world war 3 he going to build a wall and keep out Mexican racist all i have to do is be racist rich and have a wig and i can be the president of the united states of america and talk bad about women great we have a sexiest for president great i am moving to Canada
why america why did you do this to us
Donald trump what else can I say that hasn't already been said before. Lets just start with his plans. Banning an entire group of people based on their religion. Is probably one of the stupidest things I have ever heard from anyone. And building a wall and making mexico pay for it. You can't force an entirely different country pay for something you want to have.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Were Doomed
If you are wondering why were doomed read more of my blog. We are doomed because Trump will build a wall and wants Mexico to pay for it, and Im pretty sure If Mexico doesn't pay for the will he will probable start a war with Mexico again. And he is racist and sexist against Mexicans and women and he also says he will make America great again, but america is already great. And that is why were all doomed. Can you think about what Donald trump is going to do

Thursday, November 10, 2016
I think that it would have been better with Hillary Clinton as president.I don't think Donald Trump is capable of as many things as Hillary Clinton is.I am not that interested in the election or who really was going to be president.I didn't want either Trump or Hillary but I was leaning more towards Hillary than Trump I don't really understand why younger people like me should really be that interested in who becomes president.I don't really know why people chose Trump because Hillary is capable of a lot more.Who do you choose Donald Trump or Hillary?

On the Brink of A War....
The Election of Donald Trump might be the only headline for the next week. I am slightly worried for all of the world. I think that the U.S. is going to fall apart in the next four years, but this is your fault America. Shivers are spreading all over the world. We are an important part of the world. The world's happiness might be ruined by the president. I think that soon the people of America would regret their choice of the president. Many people's lives will change because of this one choice.
The Beginning of the End of America
Donald Trump will fail in trying to run this country. I think that Donald Trump would be causing more troubles with other countries and starting wars. If I had to vote, I would vote for Hillary just because I don’t want Trump. Also, Donald Trump is really mean and makes fun of people. I wouldn’t want a bully as our president, but clearly the rest of America can’t see that. Do you think that Donald Trump would get impeached?
What should we expect next?
Are you surprised too? //Election2k16//
The 2016 election has left much of the nation in shock. My thoughts on the day of the election were anxious, excited ,and concerned. I am very interested in the process in which is complicated and has much to learn. I have been following the entire campaign between both candidates for awhile now.
Trump is highly qualified in the business aspect ,but not politics at all. Trump is highly sextist, and racist (which is has been seen and heard by millions of Americans). Clinton has a much different view on how America should be run. Hilary is extremely qualified in politics served as the secratary of state for five years, so we have two very different people who want to run the country. To lots of people, this was black or white , not to me. I do disagree with America's choice ,but we must have an open mind for Donald. I think America made this choice because they wanted a candidate who was straight forward , bold , and wanted things to be very changed. The biggest issue that I have with Trump is the statements Trump made about deporting illegal immigrants in our country. I know people who are new to america/ immigrants ,and there are so kind.They do definitely not deserve to be deported. I am not sure how this will affect my family ,but we will see how the next couple of years will play out. I am hopeful that America will stick together ,and give Trump a chance to lead. I am honestly feeling excited to see if Trump will act more sophisticated in office and if his immigration poicies will become less strict.I really do hope that recent immigrants do not feel scared because of Trump's statements. They do belong in America and need to know that. America is based on immigration. For all American citizens who are not happy with the outcomes ,if we all stick together as a country we can put trust in each other not just Trump. Come on America we got this!! Do you think America can do this?
Trump Really?
I think that things are going to be different having Donald Trump as a president than having Barack Obama. I was kinda interested but also at the same time I was really scared to see who was going to win. I’m not really happy that Donald Trump was elected president, because he may change the rules and also he is very sextice to woman. I think that many people voted for Trump after they saw what happened with Hillary. I think that things may be worse for my family because my mom was really hoping for Hillary to win and now if he changes the rules for woman than my mom will be very very mad. If you could vote who would you vote for??
Trump or Clinton?
I think that the election was terrible! from the predictions I thought Hilary Clinton was going to win. When I saw that Donald trump won, I told my mom we were going to move to Canada, And she told me no. I was scared because all the bad things he is going to do is going to be very wrong. I stayed up all night watching the election just to find out that Donald trump won. I would rather have Hilary win than Donald trump. I don't like her either, but I prefer her over Donald trump. He is sexist, racist, and many other things that I don't like about him. Trump is going to destroy America.
president election
I can't believe that trump won. I love Hillary. Donald trump will not become a good president, because he is threatening a bunch of countries which soon they will come after us and bomb our country. The only reason people voted for him is because he is lowering the taxes. But if you look at the rates Hillary won in popularity but Donald (Dump) won the college electoral votes. I didn't think for one second that trump was going to win over Hillary in the presidential election.What did you think about Donald Trump winning the election do you think he will make a good president

Gather your canned meat, World War III is starting
I feel like this election was a close one, no one really knew who was going to win. I'm very sad about this because it's affected many people around me. First of all, my best friend's parents decided to move to England. She had always been the one who was there when I was sad, and now what do I do? Also I saw one of my teachers that I will not name crying the day after election day. I saw one of my friends ask her if she was ok, and they had a little tiny small chat. I asked her what happened, and she said that the teacher was sad because of Trump winning. Also he makes fun of people who were born different, with physical or mental disabilities. It's also not ok to treat woman the way he does, there are many woman in the country, and in January he will be running it. Lastly, Obama said to vote for Hillary, so I'm worried that Obama's opinion didn't work out.
dump trump
I thought the election was horrible. I thought america would make a better chose but some states went from democrat to republican. I thought that Hillary would win by a lot or at lease win but she didn't win. I think america needs to think more about who they vote for. Im not thinking about how it will effect me my family Michigan or the united states. Im more concerned on the impact trump being the president will have on the world and what he will do next. What do you think will happen?
Trump vs Clinton
My opinion about the election is that Donald Trump is going to be a bad president. Hillary Clinton would have been a better president. Donald Trump, I think truly that Donald Trump is just going to say that he is president. Donald Trump is a sexist, and racist man that only cares about himself. Hillary Clinton would have lead us into a good american country instead of Donald trump. This is what I think of the election and how Donald Trump will be a bad president and Hillary Clinton will be a good president.
Donald Trump wins!!
Today the election was finished and i thought that the right person won. The winner was Donald Trump and this is fantastic because he will get things done because with control of the house and the Senate he will do it. this is the best because hillary was selling classified info for money off emails. Now i think that our lives will change for the better for us citizens. I think that this is going to help the us economy.
Trump Wins
Hi guys,
I didn't watch the election, but I heard a lot about it. My mom woke me up to tell me Trump won. I wasn't very happy because he is scary. I wanted Hillary to make history and become the first woman president. I wanted her to become the president because I wanted to see the difference between a male and female presidents. When Trump won I felt nervous because he makes me feel tense. I am worried for our country’s future, are you?
I was really excited to know who was the next president as this was a tough election. Donald Trump won the election. First of all I really don’t care who won the election but I care about how is going to treat us or what changes is he going to make. I am worried about one thing that everybody says that if he becomes the president he will torture all the Asians.

So I have question for you all that what change is he going to make in the country?
Who is the prisedent
Who is the president
Hi my name is Awad and i am going to tell about the debate.Honestly i never though that Donald Thrump would win and if i where to vote i would vote to her its not that i like her its just that she want to help people.Coming into the presidential debate, I thought that if Hillary Clinton won decisively, she would virtually lock up the election. Coming out, it was clear that she did win decisively but I suspect that the campaign will remain ferociously close.By all traditional standards of debate, Mrs. Clinton crushed. She carefully marshaled her arguments and facts and then sent them into battle with a smile. She rolled out a long list of indictments against Donald Trump, often damaging. By contrast, he came in unprepared, had nothing fresh to say, and increasingly gave way to rants. As the evening ended, the media buried him in criticisms.
my opinion about the election
I think that trump should not be the president because he is rude to other people and he is also being mean and if he is the president then he has to do something or he is meant to be but my opinion about it i think that clinton should have won but i fine with him.
The 2016 US Election -- My Thoughts
All the latest "buzz" has been about The 2016 US Election. I think that this election has probably been the most popular election in the United States. As many people already know, Republican nominee, Donald J Trump has won the presidency. Obviously many people are happy about that, as well as many others being very irritated by it. I personally think that this election was very...silly. Not in a rude way, but I am very surprised with all the recent news that has been out about the things that Donald Trump has done, 288 people still voted for him. I really thought that majority of American citizens didn't like Donald Trump, but due to the amount of votes that Trump received, it surprisingly says otherwise. As for Democratic nominee, Hillary R Clinton, although news has been out about the things that she has done as well, I do not thing that it compares to Donald Trump's actions.
When this election process first began, I was not very interested in it. As the internet produced more and more information about it, I then slowly began to get more interested in it. Related to what I had stated above, news has recently come out about what the 2 nominees had so supposedly done. I think that citizens of the opposite parties would try to blame the nominee from the opposite party about what they had done so that they would have a less likely chance to get elected. Due to the results of the election, I think that it really depends on how the new president impacts America. I personally am a little bit disappointed on the winner of this election, but I am hoping that Donald Trump does make a way to, as his motto states, "Make America Great Again".
When this election process first began, I was not very interested in it. As the internet produced more and more information about it, I then slowly began to get more interested in it. Related to what I had stated above, news has recently come out about what the 2 nominees had so supposedly done. I think that citizens of the opposite parties would try to blame the nominee from the opposite party about what they had done so that they would have a less likely chance to get elected. Due to the results of the election, I think that it really depends on how the new president impacts America. I personally am a little bit disappointed on the winner of this election, but I am hoping that Donald Trump does make a way to, as his motto states, "Make America Great Again".
No Trump won
My thoughts about the election was that how did Donald Trump win and I thought that everybody hates him. I was at my house and with my whole family and my uncle. Our jaws dropped when we heard that Trump won the election. I believe that america made a bad choice because Trump is basically a robber he didn't pay any taxes and that means we had to pay for it. Also if Hillary wins than Trump will be crying and saying that it is rigged. This is why I think Donald Trump will be a bad president.
Trump vs Hillary
I was a Hillary supporter from the beginning she has done some wrong things but look at how many wrong things trump did harassing girls and he just has no militarily experience what so ever he should know at least as much as Hillary does good concession speeches and i like that she speaks from her heart and some of the things she said was amazing what she would do with america, so i personally think we could have done better than trump. Make america great again!!!!
Donald VS Hillary
I really didn't want Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I prefer Hillary Clinton. I think not a lot will really change. I think america made a horrible choice when it came to choose. Donald trump is rude and has no experience in government. He makes bad decisions and is rude. He says bad things about immigrants. He is super racist and doesn’t care about anybody else but himself. Hillary isn’t much better she has done
What I think of this Election gone wrong almost died police where called met jactseptic
My opinion on the election is that it sucks that he won, but might be good for all we know. I am kinda interested in the senate and house of rep but not the pres race, at least not as much as the other two. It might not effect me or it might, cause he might private the USDA where my mom works. I think he won becauase people like him. So what do you think of the election did you want Hilary to win or did you want trump? The only thing I want to know is how to get out of this country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH2Wz9MqqGI
Why Trump????
I think that things are going to be different having Donald Trump as a president than having Barack Obama. I was kinda interested but also at the same time I was really scared to see who was going to win. I’m not really happy that Donald Trump was elected president, because he may change the rules and also he is very sextice to woman. I think that many people voted for Trump after they saw what happened with Hillary. I think that things may be worse for my family because my mom was really hoping for Hillary to win and now if he changes the rules for woman than my mom will be very very mad.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The 2016 president election, I'm with her! :)
Every body was talking about the 2016 election, My family voted for Hillary Clinton But Donald trump won the election, it was a surprise to many people. Hillary was in the lead but Trump won Florida and other states Turning them into republican states. I thought that Donald Trump running for president was a joke and nobody would vote for him but obviously i was proven wrong. I still wont change my mind i would never vote for Trump not only because of the things he has said but because Hillary just seems like a better person. Hillary had 218 votes and many people were upset about that including me. I basically gave up on the election, I was hoping that Hillary would win but i didn't really care for the election i was upset about trump winning afterwards though.
But putting aside my own thoughts, i don't think that trump will be a horrible president some of his ideas are good most are not but some are, his opinions are very offensive but overall i can see what hes saying. I still believe that Hillary Clinton should have won president. Who do you think should have won president Hillary or are you with trump If you are i challenge you to have a debate of your own.
What will he do?
If I had a choice of either choosing Trump or Clinton I would choose Clinton. It is not that I like her, it is because I don't like Trump. Donald is a very rude person, and he doesn't care about anybody else. I feel like Donald Trump doesn't know what he is doing. He doesn't have any political experience. He might make America great again, but he can make it worse at the same time. Will Donald Trump do what he says he will?
can we survived the world with trump as the president
I didn’t no that he won so I was surpris when I hear it in first hour . A little bit because he could lie just to make people to vote for him. I think the choice was not good because he could lie and he could make the wrong decision. They made this decision because he will make the world a better place. It maybe worst too my family because I am muslim and he don’t like us probably.
America is doomed
Last night Donald trump became president. I didn't know until this morning but, when I found out I was really upset. Both trump and hillary are terrible humans but Trump is even worse. I think america made a terrible choice but, technically america voted for hillary got more votes but not in electoral. If you could/did vote who would you vote for?
70 vote difference
Well, Trump did win the election by 70 votes, 288-218, you needed 270 votes to become president.
Trump exceeded the 270 vote mark by 18 votes and flipping the States of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and won the states of Florida and North Carolina. if Hillary had kept the state of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, then Hillary would've had a chance to become the first female president of the United States, but Hillary lost by 70 votes. Trump(Republican) would had more votes if he had flipped Michigan and Minnesota. Well, that's it from 70 vote difference.
Trump exceeded the 270 vote mark by 18 votes and flipping the States of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and won the states of Florida and North Carolina. if Hillary had kept the state of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, then Hillary would've had a chance to become the first female president of the United States, but Hillary lost by 70 votes. Trump(Republican) would had more votes if he had flipped Michigan and Minnesota. Well, that's it from 70 vote difference.
America's Choice
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both had their faults, but America chose Trump. The path to the White House looked pretty clear for Hillary until the FBI found more emails on the private server about a week ago. Also, I find it surprising that Hillary Clinton get the popular vote but not the most Electoral Colleges. My family and I disagree with a lot of the ideas that the president elect has, but if he gets around to addressing them, it will have to go through the other branches of government. The president does not have complete power. Are things going to be different for America now that Donald Trump is president.
Donald Trump is President; America is Doomed
I was never a Donald Trump fan, but his behavior that has been discovered throughout the last month and a half is unacceptable, as well as impossible to ignore. He has successfully insulted over 70% of the country, excluding rich, white, Trump-supporting males. The amount of people that are actually supporting him, (and supported him enough to get him into the highest point in office despite having no experience whatsoever,) is extremely appalling. Now, I'm not saying he didn't do anything right in his life, he did. He did work hard to become president, but in doing so has almost destroyed America as we know it. He has made terrible decrees, and also did some things I will not speak of that, if anyone else, probably would have had them thrown in prison. In my opinion, it is completely ridiculous he has become the next president, and I firmly believe that his presidency might mean the break of alliances, maybe even wars. Sorry, Trump, but our founding fathers built a country; all you can do is build a wall.
The Milk Has Expired!!!
Hi Guys,
Today I will be addressing the new president, Donald Trump. I think President Trump won the election fair and square. I honestly don't like either of them, but Trump can things done. I'm not sure why America (Electoral College Votes) picked him, but he obviously did something right, because he won. I am pretty sure that almost nothing will change. Everybody is saying that Trump will bomb everyone and he'll kill us all, but that's not actually true. Trump does NOT have absolute power, or all the power in the government. The Senate can veto, or decline any of Donald Trump's decisions or bills. Yes, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote, but still, Donald Trump is the next U.S president.
What do you like or dislike about the next U.S president?
Donald Trump wins!!!!!
I think that both of our candidates are not good but Donald Trump has done a good job during our election. I am excited to see everything that soon to be President Donald Trump will do when his term starts. When I woke up this morning my mom told me that Trump won I was excited but surprised at the same time. Many people woke up this morning or say up last night were either excited or disappointed. Honestly I didn't really care until I heard some things that our candidates have done I was very surprised.
I think that both of our candidates are not good but Donald Trump has done a good job during our election. I am excited to see everything that soon to be President Donald Trump will do when his term starts. When I woke up this morning my mom told me that Trump won I was excited but surprised at the same time. Many people woke up this morning or say up last night were either excited or disappointed. Honestly I didn't really care until I heard some things that our candidates have done I was very surprised.
Make America Great Again!
I was supporting Trump from the beginning. Not because Trump is good but simply because Hillary is just so bad. I wasn't that interested in the election at first. Then it started being on the news all the time, and it was kind of inescapable. I think America made the right choice in electing Trump instead of a criminal. I think that Trump traveling around the country last minute and winning the states was why he was elected. I here a lot of people saying the are going to move to Canada. I'm not going to personally. I realize that people might think Trump is the worst president you could have, but then again Kanye West is running in 2020. What do you think of this?

My Personal opinion on the presidency.
Im very interested in what donald trump will do for this country.I do think Hillary showed her weakness publicly by not speaking on tuesday night.I really don't like either of them,Trump is just very bold he tells you everything,I never thought he would lose but surprisingly he didn't.I think trump is speaking and talking big but may or may not do anything about it.I did think trump is the lesser of the two evils.I think trump will do interesting things he wants to fix alot of things.Enough talking about really to terrible people i'm just happy that trump won a want to see what he will do.
Who did you want to win,what do you think,who was the best choice? EXPLAIN
Blog Episode II: Where Do We Go From Here?
We all woke up this morning (or stayed up really late last night) to find out who our next president was going to be. This presidential race was about many things, but it was clearly between two candidates with very different visions for the direction America should take. Voters went to the polls and cast their ballots; a winner was chosen following the rules of our democratic system. On inauguration day our government will once again experience a smooth transition of power, and America will go on.
What are your thoughts on this day? Were you/are you interested in this process? What do you think of America's choice? Why do you think Americans made this choice? How do you think your life/your families lives will be better or worse for this?
Following the rules of the blog (below), let us know what you are thinking today, the day after election day in the United States.
Must have a catchy, relevant title. (This post’s title is Blogging 101: A Starter Course)
Must be 75+ words in length.
Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
Must be 50+ words in length.
Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
Must address something specific the writer has said.
Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.
What are your thoughts on this day? Were you/are you interested in this process? What do you think of America's choice? Why do you think Americans made this choice? How do you think your life/your families lives will be better or worse for this?
Following the rules of the blog (below), let us know what you are thinking today, the day after election day in the United States.
Must have a catchy, relevant title. (This post’s title is Blogging 101: A Starter Course)
Must be 75+ words in length.
Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
Must be 50+ words in length.
Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
Must address something specific the writer has said.
Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Balancing my business at 15...
15 year old Noa Mintz decided that babysing was her thing. So she started off babysitting her moms friends kids and she was getting 300,000 dollars per year just babysitting her moms friends children. So the word started going around that she was babysitting. She was getting a lot more calls for her babysitting services. Noa is still in school so it was getting harder for her to balance time for school and her friends and babysitting. So she thought an thought and at the age of 15 she had built a buisness and she has 150 nannies working for her now she can still have time to be a teenager Noa is amazing and she had a goal set so high for being as young as she is and actaully succeding that goal is even more amazing.Do you ever think you could set a goal as high as Noa did and suceed that goal?
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