Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The 2016 president election, I'm with her! :)

Every body was talking about the 2016 election, My family voted for Hillary Clinton  But Donald trump won the election, it was a surprise to many people. Hillary was in the lead but Trump won Florida and other states Turning them into republican states. I thought that Donald Trump running for president was a joke and nobody would vote for him but obviously i was proven wrong. I still wont change my mind i would never vote for Trump not only because of the things he has said but because Hillary just seems like a better person. Hillary had 218 votes and many people were upset about that including me. I basically gave up on the election, I was hoping that Hillary would win but i didn't really care for the election i was upset about trump winning afterwards though.
Image result for democrat vs republican
But putting aside my own thoughts, i don't think that  trump will be a horrible president some of his ideas are good most are not but some are, his opinions are very offensive but overall i can see what hes saying. I still believe that Hillary Clinton should have won  president. Who do you think should have won president Hillary or are you with trump If you are i challenge you to have a debate of your own.  

1 comment:

  1. Kailee, I love your blog! The wording, format, practically everything about it! Keep up the amazing work!! :D
